Monday, October 31, 2016



Been kinda slow getting busy with the production of Y2K. I was able to get the entire manuscript on paper which I find better to move on to the next draft phase, than  the electronic copies on my laptop's "my writing spot," or even my flash drives. Now I can move forward. I just need to read the entire manuscript written at two different times, one in 2009 when I originally sat down to write it, and again in 2012 when I decided to finish it. Altogether, however, it's only about 40K words, and from what I can see so far two different stories have emerged. My challenge is to turn it into one novel. That is the direction I'm headed in now: Looking at what I've written and putting it all together in one cohesive story. I will sort through the pages and "cut & paste" my words together to make the whole thing complete/a whole story. From that point on and even in between, I will develop character,plot, and the entire story structure.


...Took a walk over to Fed-Ex to have my manuscript printed up off a flash-drive. I have never had a greater feeling than watching those pages printed out. It validated me, yours truly as a writer. Not that I ever doubted my credentials or noting like that, but oh what a feeling to hold those printed pages in my hand.

1/14 - Tuesday 7:49 am

Yeh, if you know already, yesterday's "journal write" was not timed. After I caught on, I ended without knowing how long I rambled. But it was probably necessary.

I really have to get on track with Y2K and stay there until it's done, whatever that means right now. I'm not halfway or close to finishing up with reading the manuscript. So far what I recognize is the story, thus far, is a haphazard effort.  The drafts that followed Y2K were more cohesive, and would probably be a better start, but I still gotta whip it into shape. There is no better time than now. And knowing me, as I do, I  need to start from the beginning and proceed methodically to the end in a more or less straight line.

1/15- Wednesday 7:26 am

The narrative flow and direction of Y2K from the initial writing in 2009 to the restart or addition in 2012 is dramatically different. The growth in my writing is evident. The task now before me is to direct those two distinctly different stories into one. What to do, would be to  follow the draft I completed in 2012 using the format of the Book-In-A-Month process. It's my only hope of developing one story out of the two.

In 2009 I wrote from notes accumulated since the early 80s, and maybe even further back. In 2012 I incorporated some of those elements into my first draft and wrote the story down with new characters.

Wednesday, October 26, 2016



The titles you see are songs that randomly popped into my head on that particular day for whatever reason. Sometimes I know, sometimes I don't!

1/10- Friday - 7:30 pm

Had a painful night. My back and shoulder, my bunion and my teeth were all coming at me the same time. Out of nowhere these pains came and afflicted me . Eventually I had to take a pain killer. Today is only a little better but I hope they will soon all stop. I already know I'ma  need some help. And on top of that it's pouring rain so my allergy is kicking in too. So all I need now to complete the cycle would be a sky high blood pressure. I'm not tryna will it on but I'm just saying...

If you wasn't here last week you would not be able to tell by the weather outside that snow and ice was all over the place and we froze our asses off.

1/ll - Saturday 7:40 pm

Surprise visit. My sister, my niece, and two of  my grand nieces stopped by my huse on a surprise visit. Really? A great moment in time. My grand niece, SHAKIRA was on her way to an internship at a college in Findlay, Ohio, a few, or should I say a couple  away from Whitehall.

I remember holding SHAKIRA together as she recited her poem at the memorial services for DEL. Needless to say, I enjoyed their brief visit. I love those relatives of mine. At the same time, after they left I got a letter in the mail to verify the inscription on the headstone for DEL'S final resting place.

1/12 - Sunday 7:17 am

I can't think of anything I've done to earn my ex-wife's disdain. I say ex even though we are not yet divorced. According to my children's reactions at times, it seems she has no type of "love" for me.

Yeah I told her she needed to keep her mouth closed one time. Yeah I told her I would protect my babies at all cost, even from her if I had to, but other than that I ain't done a thing.

There are some things I could do to throw a monkey-wrench in the operation, but I don't because I want my babies to be happy as they can be.

So I'll just "eat it" as they say. One day the shit will hit the fan then we will see which way everybody gonna run.

Monday, October 17, 2016


I used to have a real thing for A.S. back awhile ago when I was still working at BH Houses. She was the bitch of my dreams back then. Fine and beautiful, about eleven years younger than I, but you know me, age ain never been but a number to me. We never got off on a romantic track but I sent her cards expressing my feelings for her on every occasion I could, especially romantic holidays.

She called me out of the blue one day, around 1988 or something like that, to find out what was up with me, but at the time I was all wrapped up in something. We made a date to see each other, but I didn't bother to show up. I had BL in my life then, and there was no need to even start something I couldn't finish.


919 has some bitter-sweet memories for me. I  lived at 919 Lincoln Place once upon a time after I first got married. I was attending the New York Institute of Photography at the time and I remember setting up a darkroom in the extra bed room we had.

It was a sweet memory developing my own rolls of film and seeing my pictures come to life. I felt so professional.

But then my wife never came home until early in the morning, and didn't ever give me those much anticipated newlywed goods. She was too busy giving them to another man.


It's been a good run for this Summer Writing Binge concept I came up with for my blog, "Let's Talk Poetry."  I made an entry almost every day except for these last few days of the  month, when I ran out of time to get to my notebooks. Actually, I scheduled my entries for about 10:30 pm, but by the time the hour rolled around I was often too sleepy to write anything coherent.

In the next binge segment I will make entries earlier in the day when my head is fresher and clearer. This could be the start of something.


This is the last day and night of the summer of 2013, and the last entry for my summer poetry writing binge. Most of the entries are free-writings for five minute intervals. I will cull through these entries and make a poem out of each one where a poem is found.

As a whole, my students on "Let's Talk Poetry," as well as myself, wrote whatever came to our minds at the time. Now I will query my students and challenge them to come up with poetry from those entries, and I will do the same, because I never give my students an assignment I don't complete myself.

I will continue these free-write activities for the winter of 2015.

Tuesday, October 11, 2016


My prayers are that everything in my life will continue as it has been. What will be, will be, but I would love for everything to just fall in line like they spoze to.

Sill waiting for some word bout the settlement check. I've signed and had some papers notarized. I'm up to here with the formalities of legality. I just wanna get the money my mother's responsible for and do the right thing.


My nephew, Tekoa turns 38 today. My baby sister's oldest child has been without her for a couple of years now. Bunch died right after my mother, just leaving us all in shock. And he, being slightly mentally delayed, we don't understand how much he understood, except that he knows she won't be there any more. Sad, as close as they were. If he could express himself more, verbally, he probably could tell us things we never knew.


Made a lot of improvements or decorations in my home, but I still have a ways to go yet. The major purchases have all been made for the most part, except for a dining room set. I plan to make that purchase around the Thanksgiving holiday time. The little nik-niks that go with it will come afterwards.

Then, in the kitchen I want a new microwave and pots and pans and rugs for every room needs to be replaced. By the year's end, this house will have my touch throughout.

Monday, October 3, 2016

9/11... one of those days you will always remember where you were "When." Some say it was a terrorist attack, but who really knows? I had done a double-shift that night and hurried home to my wife and small children. The oldest two children were already in school. My older two sons were also about their daily schedule. My wife walked out the door several minutes before the first tower went down. I watched in horror and amazement. I immediately called my wife on her cell and told her what had just happened. She insisted her mission to the city for her job was important, and further, "was not even in that direction." She didn't know it then but that train she took was the last train out of Brooklyn for a long while.


     Got myself a cd player. Another one of my many b-day presents I bought myself. No sense in holding on to too much cash. I'm out to enjoy myself from now on. I look forward to many more self-treats like this. Got my eyes on a tape deck too. I probably reel it in in a week or two. I will then have all of my music at my beck and call. My entire collection: vinyl, including a vocabulary set, cassettes, and cd's are at my disposal, not to mention the latest mp3 type formats.


They say when the thirteenth of the month falls on Friday it's a bad luck day; for those of us who believe in such things, maybe, anyway.

I never was one much for superstition, but shit happens. My son's car got towed. Not because of bad luck. He was parked in a tow-away zone!

My daughter's ex or not, was suspended from his job. Whose fault was that? Bad luck?

I'm a firm believer in what will be will be.

So much for bad luck!


Holiest day of the year finds me with my scriptures as usual. I'm praying that a good year will be inscribed for me. My whole life has been a "good year" though. I have never wanted for anything, ever. I may have had some ups and downs, but for the most part, everything has been great.